Saturday, September 15, 2012

What a smartphone will look like in 5 years

Remember that wild and woolly time before iPhones? I do. In early 2007, I used to keep a Thomas Guide in my car. I think it was also the last time I played Scrabble by picking actual tiles from a bag. As the Apple faithful contemplate the better life that awaits with a 4-inch screen and 4G LTE, it got us thinking -- not about the changes in the past 5 years but about how we'll use smartphones in another 5.

We enlisted the help of Mike Liebhold, senior researcher at the Institute for the Future, to help paint the picture. He described a hyperconnected device that can be charged wirelessly and will come in an assortment of form factors: a wearable version that straps to your forearm and includes a keyboard, and a lower-priced credit card–size phone for developing countries.

Much of the information we learn at our annual physical could be fed to us daily with smartphone apps: our pulse rate and blood pressure levels. Liebhold even suggested that our phones will detect our emotions, when we're happy or too nervous. With any luck, it'll be more accurate than a mood ring.

And just like my well-worn, heavily dog-eared Thomas Guide, my trusty leather wallet is likely to be replaced by a smartphone. The new iPhone 5 may not have near field communication (NFC), but by 2017 it should be standard issue. Just swipe your phone past a sensor to pay for those to-die-for boots that caught your eye. Liebhold says there is one obstacle: current cash registers have no way of talking to an NFC device. But he shared a rumor that could solve that pesky problem....

Source : cnet

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