Sony reported on Friday that it is putting a halt on the sales of Xperia Tablet S, which was launched in the previous month due to a manufacturing slip-up that made a few units vulnerable to water spoilage. This is one of the most thwarting anomalies as one of the main selling factors of the tablet is that is water resistant. The 64 GB Android-powered tablet is found not to be splash proof as stated in its features. The out of order tablets are hindrance in the efforts of Sony in building a goodwill in the smart phones and tablet market, which currently rules by Samsung and Apple Inc.
Xperia Tablet S started selling in September and Sony at the outset sold its first two tablets that were launched last year under its brand name; however this model was debuted by Sony under the brand name of Xperia for the first time to merge the tablet line-up with the smart phones that are marketed under its brand name already. Sony informed that it will require a few weeks to inspect and mend the damaged units due to delays in getting hold of the parts required to fix the glitch.
Amusingly, Jeffrey Van Camp, DT’s mobile expert quoted a number of manufacturing flaws in a thorough review of Sony’s Xperia Tablet S, which has caused such a setback to the tablet stressing on its inferior design which has eventually led it down.
Around 60% of the 100,000 units that were initially shipped by Sony were showing production error committed by one of the contract manufacturers of Sony. There’s a gap between the display screen of the tablet and its back, which could let the water seep in and cause damage to the device. Sony also affirmed that the unsold units will be scrutinized to wipe out the defected ones and in the meanwhile, it will also offer free check and repairs to its users who , if required.
Source : solar-panel-reviews
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